1) Reduce the iron in my body - eat less red meat, donate blood.
My progress: I am drinking filtered water as opposed to tap water as I believe this may be the reason for the high iron content in my blood.
2) Eat more servings of fruit and vegetables per day.
My progress: I bought lots of fruits to increase my serving sizes per day. I take fruit with me to work every morning.
3) Increase vitamin D - take vitamin D supplements daily
My progress: I have a bottle of Vitamin D and I take 1000 mg (one tablet) daily.
4) Perform cardio exercises 3 times per week
My progress: this was the least exciting goal we set for me. I had cardio (running, etc). Seemed boring to me. I thought to myself, as with anything I do, how can I make cardio fun? I went to the Nike store to buy the Nike + iPod shoes so that real-time time/distance/calorie information can be streamed to my phone during every run. After my first run, I had my first "runner's rush" - I was hooked ever since and enjoy running. I am doing short 30 minute runs at the highest elevation on the treadmill.
I am interested in seeing how my heart rate responds in my next clinical trials visit...
The cool part about the Nike + iPod technology is the ability to report my workout information and stream this info online for me to access. Nikeplus.com has many oops to get you more involved and engaged in your cardio workouts - like "run with friends" and "train like a pro."
Learning lesson: no matter how much you do not enjoy a task given to you, try to make it fun and engaging for yourself! You'll find yourself enjoying the very things you rejected and denounced in the beginning - this goes for your professional and personal life.

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